Saturday, January 5, 2013

My First Blog

Since I have always been slow to jump on the technology train, it seems fitting to start a blog now.  Now that the blogging world has been bloated with photos of smiling, crying babies (and cats).  Now that anyone with an internet connection can share their opinions (spelling and grammar not required).  Now that the novelty of a blog is about as cool as myspace.  Now that I am 30.  It is definitely time for me to blog.

So why am I doing this?  Like any engineer, I like to address the problem statement first.  I don't have babies or cats to speak of and certainly don't have strong opinions worth sharing in a public forum.  I am not really much for attention, but maybe that is the point.  I want to share my pictures and thoughts with those who count in this little corner of space.  I had a xanga account in my 20s, thankfully long-removed (god, I hope so).  And I like to believe that my 30s will bring more insight, joy, satisfaction.  And hey, I want to share it with my family and friends!

About the name of my blog:  I struggled with what I was doing again.  I wanted something Oregon related, but kept coming up with names that sounded like a travel digest or western frontier-ish.  I don't claim to know much about Oregon.  But I do live here and that seems to be enough to distinguish myself from the rest of my family.  And while I don't plan on writing travel series on top hikes in central Oregon, I did want to share this part of the country as we experience it.

So welcome to my blog!  Keep track of Rob and I as we figure out the NW.  While we enter into a new stage of our lives.  And as I learn how to use my new camera.  Maybe someday we can share pictures of babies and puppies.  Until then - enjoy our simple life here in Bend.

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