Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Little Wedding Update

Wow, I can't believe it's already mid-May.  We have had unusually warm and dry spring here in Bend, which is great for motivation.  I love getting out and playing in our garden, running the trails, and reading on our porch.  Although, come late summer, we are going to be in a drought with forest fires.

So we will all be keeping our fingers crossed that come August 3rd, we aren't where we were last summer:

Poor Ma and Ron visited right in the middle of forest fire season last summer and we had to retreat indoors in the afternoon to breath fresh air (also difficult when houses in Bend don't have A/C - you read that right).

That darn climate change.

On a related note:  I'm getting married in 85 days!  As some lucky ones may have noticed, our wedding invitation says "Jessica & Rob are getting married in a private ceremony".  Many have asked what that means.  It means:

  • The invitation at 5pm at McMenamin's is for the reception only (i.e., eating, drinking, dancing, laughing, no ceremony)
  • At the time of sending out the invite, our ceremony plans had been undecided but we wanted to get out invites ASAP (I'm not a believer in Save the Dates).
  • We originally wanted to elope then celebrate with friends/family later.
  • We thought that the ceremony was the least exciting, more obligatory part of weddings.  We didn't realize how many people would want to be part of this event.
But after careful consideration, we decided what we want to say is this:
  • Jessica & Rob are getting married in a small ceremony at Sparks Lake, 2:30pm, August 3rd.
  • Any and all are invited! 
  • If you will be uncomfortable outdoors in mid-afternoon in National Forest (i.e., no bathroom, limited parking, direct sunlight), or really don't want to drive 30 min out of town when you could be playing in Bend, please make the decision to join us at 5pm.  I promise we will understand.
  • If you would like to witness the ceremony among our close friends and family, please feel welcome!  The scenery should be amazing and the ceremony short and sweet.  
We are still in the works of figuring out how to get limited chairs and maybe even a bus (!) for transportation out to the lake for the afternoon.  So stay tuned on the details.  

Google "Sparks Lake Bend Oregon" and think about it.  The drive out there would be worth your trip to Bend.  I mean, can you beat this view??  

If you have any questions, please email me!  Whether you want to know if walking would be involved, what you should wear, what I'm wearing, if you can bring booze (actually, you can), if you can bring your dog (only if he doesn't bark), or want to tell us how excited you are, please do so!

P.S.  Happy Mother's Day Ma!!  I don't know how I'd be putting this all together if you weren't there telling me how it should be.


  1. I have to admit, I love the ceremony too! Thanks for the update. We're excited to celebrate with you guys. In other news...where are you registered? I know that foodie like you has some needs at this special time of life. :)

  2. We are not registered anywhere -- we would rather people spend the money to get out here than spend it on us. Should we do it anyway? I'll let you know after I consult with my wedding planner (mom).

  3. The wedding planner thinks you should register somewhere - my suggestion is The Home Depot - the wedding planner's husband suggests Fly and Field Outfitters. The wedding planner also suggests we get the music arrangements completed and a bus rented. It is going to be FUN!!
